Arrr, matey! Ye next clue be comin’ in 7 days!

New clue

Treasure Chest

Ahoy mateys!

Tis time to set sail on our Ethereum treasure hunt!


1. All 12 NFT clues be available on the OpenSea
Click the Open Sea link to get started!
2. All 12 clues be correlatin’ directly to a seed word
3. All 12 clues be in the order o’ the seed, except for the last 5 -they be jumbled!
4. 40% o’ the doubloons from EVERY clue shall be heaped in the treasure trove!
5. Keep a weather eye on the map, for ye shall see the treasure pile HIGH and GROW
6.Thar be only 5000 of each clue available
7. Once all clues be plundered they may be resold for a fair price and a sip of rum!
8. Once ye have all 12 words in yer grasp, ye must stash ’em away in yer own booty chest, and then hoist anchor to transfer ’em to a different coffer or it be lost to the depths forever!
9. listen up, ye bilge rats! PLAY FAIR or we shall make ye walk the plank!
We reserve the right to alter the path of ye plunder pursuit if we suspect FOULPLAY
10. Aye! If the course be altered, Keep a sharp lookout on our “Twitter
lest ye be left adrift on the high seas with nary a coin to yer name!
11. If the hunt be stalled we’ll be droppin’ hints on the open sea to help ye move forward on yer quest for the treasure. Keep yer eyes peeled and yer ears to the deck!
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